One must be in the moment for any plan of the future to matter as that moment of the future will be here and a now moment, soon. It is easy to attack oneself with claim of a lack of planning just as it is easy to find the blissful, child like freedom of letting only a moment matter. The more thought provoked and engaged in a single moment one is, the freer they are over all. Planning and strategy sells like it can save all and one won’t need to worry in the moment. The clear bullshit in this is that one should not worry in a moment but be excited, be alive in the now. This now can be setting up for the future but planning and stagnating future moments to ensure laziness cannot hold one back is guaranteeing laziness. Its enforcing bad ideas upon one’s self in assurance of one’s soon folly. That safety net won’t save anyone, just dodge a bullet while blinding a fullscreen sight.
Getting caught in the habit of planning can lead to delusional thinking and separation from the truth of a moment. Its a ever escaping fallacy lying to a person with assurance of insurance for a foe they’re creating by buying in. In the now and the here, which MUST change, there is truth. Fully engaging in what one wants and what is available will bring the truth of moments current. And the now could be incredibly painful!!! But its still real, which trumps any planning or full-proofing one can slide up their sleeve. The imagination is only as good as the hand it plays in the real world and doesn’t count until it hits the table.