The human brain likes to classify, label, group, or whatever else it can to create heuristics, shortcuts to think and react faster. This is armageddon for relationships with changing or intense folks. People do some stupid shit and people always have the power to change. Imagine a ten year high school reunion, everyone is shocked to see what people have done, or insulted and saddened. These reactions are because we have labeled those we know with an identity heuristic, our memories come up first before real, first hand evidence. Whats worse and what I aim at, is the social aspect of this.
IN relationships, we have bad and great things happen which set tone for that particular weave of the relationships’s sea but it does not define the ocean; in reality. The brain works in lazy land though. And we label them as this, we expect this, we need or fear that big wave and the big crash. While important to not dismissed the lows and highs measuring a person it is tantamount that we allow one another the honesty, respect, and freedom to change for a moment and be new. So try to imagine that you have never met someone and the things they have done are as unconnected to them as the book you read when you were fourteen. Their better qualities will shine with the reality of the moment being truthful and respected.