Being self-critical is a good thing in appropriate doses. Like all things biting, too much can leave you limbless. Without chance of survival or hope to improve. Attacking one’s self must occur in pair with redeeming one’s self. It is so very simple that after you cross out a wrong you must write down a correct.

People get stuck in one emotion and then catastrophize it. The mistake touches on a trauma of much attention and then the person stands at the base of a broken dam; not only sure to drown but crushed under the weight of all they had put into that old discrepancy. The emotion becomes pervasive so that other situations lose their value and the person cannot perform real life correctly. Suddenly buying groceries involves an explosion of guilt at the possibility and inevitable wrong choice; MAYBE GREEN APPLES WERE THE WRONG CHOICE!! The way around this is to compartmentalize life and to let things go. See yourself as leaving that scene in your mind and another scene of all the same importance starting right in front of you. Realize that the more energy you invest in that pain, the bigger you are CURRENTLY making the problem.

Our emotions occur logically and naturally to alert us to issues that we must fix. Its easy to say you are depressed or anxious and ask for medication but even people whom have and need medication also can and must change their trains of thought if they are to get better. The reason for such anxiety and anger or fear and shame is to create something of the opposite and same magnitude. It just makes sense, the brain is telling the person that it really fucked up and to not do that again. Logically the opposite will be extremely important and beneficial. A giant fuck up is an alarm and an arrow.

If one learns to take all their intense pain and transform it into a giant sign of the wrong way to go, one can see what truly drives their passions and where it stands.

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