So work sucks. And school sucks. And you can’t connect to people, and your friends are doing too good with their lives for you to want to waste their time with your crap. It feels like every direction you could go is one already mucked up in mud and shit that sucks you down in each step. All filled with people who see you as shitty and an atmosphere that belittles and holds you down. And no matter how you approach the day, you cannot escape their certain faith in your failure, a relentless and horrible truth of existence. If you have ever been here, there are two things to do and one simple way to start.
First, realize that nothing is every that simple until you believe it is. Only an outlook has that many things consistent with it. So change your outlook. This can be done by ignoring the social reinforcement and creating a schedule where you plan both time for you to think/relax, and research new inspirations and callings in the world. The consistency is in your outlook, then your reactions, titling of events and possibly your behavior that follows. Look for better things to chase, invest in your mind-space, and attend to.
Second, enjoy this chaos as the best version of yourself can. That’s right, mock this pain. For the highest, happiest, most successful you has no worries about this sort of petty crap which you are currently entrenched in. The perfect you owns a fucking space ship, started several multi-million dollar companies, know multiple languages, and can shoot lazers with their eyes. Maybe one of those is off, but anyways the happiest you can imagine yourself is the highest self you should realize on the daily and then take to events with planning and activity as though you are that great. The behavior that follows will demonstrate those character traits of the highest you and then higher you qualities will become visible as your behavior creates concrete detail and evidence to how great a person you are. Believe, behave, create and keep going forward.
The simple first step to all of this is to breath. Follow the hitch hikers’ guide to the galaxy’s advice,”Don’t panic”. Being stuck in the mud like that is a state of panic and not realistic or proactive. Just breathe and tell all your panic to shut up and know that it is a chemical reaction, primordial in creation and outdated for current function(unless a lion is about to eat you in which case I do advise you run like all hell). Once the panic stops, then you have three things you can do which are the simplified steps for all success. First, acceptance of where you are in life and it’s impermanence. You’re never stuck in a moment unless you keep putting the same kind of effort and energy forward. Be totally honest with where you are and how you feel now. Second, where do you wanna go? Is this now the absolute shittiest? Then what would the opposite be, or what would something very different be? Do you have heroes doing or whom did great things? What would they do? Go chase, facilitate, reiterate, repeat, improve, tribute to their works.
In one simple phrase, change the pattern. A more true way to see it is that there is no pattern only the actions currently being put into action. Do what you want.