Humans are defensive beasts. So quickly and ever so childishly are wars started, fights maintained, and bullshit’s reign gardened without question as to why we’re fighting who. Most groups are there as a defense wall for safety, and then we make up values. Certainly can this be seen of religion, family, and country where people will defend each other on association alone and never even wonder what the fight is over.
Now take this idiocy into a small, personal scenario. Your friend, or teacher or lover, or parent attack you! Be it verbally, physically, emotionally, stab at your character or plans for the future etc. We don’t think our response threw in the sense of why. We may plan the attack, derail their argument, insult them violently and mindlessly but it is not in human nature to examine why they are being attacked for virtue of following situations or credence of critique. The obvious threat of danger overwhelms our little human brains and we jump to battle; knuck if you buck. When danger is examined, its normally found faulty. The real extent of pain and destruction is tiny where as the wants and plans of a good day are more important. Most important is it to realize that attacks are not immediate grounds for battle nor does NOT retaliating make one weak or a push over. Nature of reaction makes for a persona.
“Take a tip and do yourself a little service, take a mountain, turn it into a mole”, wise words from Jack White. Battling does not make us stronger. Cunning, forethought, planning, effective action and follow through massively outweigh being able to attack someone back. There needs to be a point, otherwise it is blocking productive, enjoyable, pragmatic, fun time in one’s life. Be critical of anger from yourself.