Who do you view in your mind’s eye and how does that create your available actions? Yes, and then its up to you is how this sequence of words would be played out if I didn’t think I was Yoda mixed with Willy Wonka right now. You are a combination of your five to ten closest friends is a collaborative and well known true observation on personality from a social perspective. The aspect it doesn’t specify is that we do not become them purely by proximity or behavior familiarity but by thought pattern and imagination acclimation. We begin to think in values and actions of those people. People behave in ways and values of people they think of often. This is why it is ideal to have a hero, and a superego(that version of your highest self). Without that character in your mind, you will naturally adhere to the orders around you. This is subconscious and social and human. Our values are chosen that subconsciously. Consider the wars in the middle east and how repetitive the cycle is; one of defensiveness and repeated coup to terrorist regimes. There have not been other options imagined and thus other options have not been attempted. Thinking outside one’s box, reading books unfamiliar does not just suggest new storylines and introduce new characters but introduces new values that can be infused into old ones thus emerging even newer characters. It also proclaims the habit of seeking new as healthy and thus thought functions bloom in such a direction.