Simple concept, take what you are afraid of then imagine yourself finding the solution to them and creating a great outcome where they now stand. It is very imaginative in nature because it is fun and free from rules or expectation. Creating the storyline must not include the worry of completing it nor the gravity involved. Innovative juices are quickly scared away. Then give a run when you have it figured out.

How to admit to yourself that you have failed though… will-full ignorance is a normally occurring human behavioral error allowing us to function more fluidly through less stress. Blinding us from the bus running us down sure does let the card game carry on quite well. They have cards in the hospital too, don’t mistake my metaphor for a joke when you may be bleeding and broken even if you haven’t fucking noticed. If you really want to identify your demons find the people you hate most and who irritate you the most. Important people in your life, the irritating kid at the bookstore who won’t stop fondling himself and whistling Beatles tunes incorrectly still counts but we’re going for big fish here. Why does your mother and dad or ex make you angry? That is where our deepest fears of failure come from. What did you never accomplish? What is keeping you from being the greatest whatever it is that you want? Those are your issues. The world fucking sucks, welcome to Earth, shit head! The great get around it too, so then can you and I. Embrace your anger, then analyze it. All those points of failure and irritation are strong investments of your own emotion and represent powerful turning points in a life.

Transforming the worst day into the best day can get muck when looking at how bad it is. Goal orientation alleviates this issue and then propels one towards that which they desire. Aim for the stars, then look at were you stand on the ground and start mapping it out for the points in that between. My example is that I had to confront my mother on how she’s living her life around my brother. It seemed like crazy and impossible and hell, did I mention Im extremely angry and paranoid about it not working? Those are clear symptoms that I need to confront it as it is surely my real fear. When we talked about things it kept so very much of my patience that I had to invent and prepare to get through the conversation. Revealed to me by the end was that it was in fact my own issue WITH my brother and my mother. This is actually always the case with fear. We are not bothered by a person or event rather we’re worried that we are incapable of overcoming it and our weakness scares us so we attack others. Existentialism preaches that we have complete control along with complete guilt and that’s the key in confronting fears. To find control of ourselves through examining what we feel angry, sad, powerless and are avoiding guilt over. That key has to aim to a door opening to a desirable room.

That which angers us most is actually that which we are most afraid of. Relive those situations to examine what we afraid of in order to make peace with fear so to grow. The mind that cannot imagine a happy and successful outcome is not a stupid nor lazy mind but a fearful mind that does not want to face the possible outcome of being unable. Which is ironic, because the only fact that hinder it being unable is the stopping of thinking and confronting, the lack of innovation bears the fruit of failure not the sweet air of escape. Make peace with your own angers and you will feel growth and freedom.

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