Say “it’s nice to see you” and I’d say “it’d be nice to see…”
To see from someone else’s eyes, to see not so harshly.
To stop seeing just black and white,
why discriminate?
This ain’t the 30’s.
Say “it’s nice to see you” and I’d say “it’d be nice to see…”
To see from someone else’s eyes, to see not so harshly.
To stop seeing just black and white,
why discriminate?
This ain’t the 30’s.
Was it “too soon” to say “I love you”?
And if it was “too soon”, who cares?
By whose standards was it too soon?
Little girls grow up to not like the brand of cheese you’ve been getting since they were little, to wear a shirt that you would never allow them to buy, to eat ice cream for dinner and pizza for breakfast and to not say thank you to every God damn person that holds the door open for them on Monday morning.
Read MoreHaving an eating disorder is like having a personal assistant that you didn’t hire or want.
This personal assistant convinces you that she wants what is best for you and not to worry about a thing, for she will take care of it all.
You don’t even have to think, for she will make decisions for you
Mom: So if everyone jumped off a bridge, you would too?
As annoying as it is to hear mom say that, could there maybe be some logic behind it?
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