What directs the winds and waters that our life rides upon? To not question this is to fall silly into missed opportunity and a ferrari used as a couch…
Read MoreWhat directs the winds and waters that our life rides upon? To not question this is to fall silly into missed opportunity and a ferrari used as a couch…
Read MoreWe exist in our own prisons or our own gardens. This is a spectrum, of course, but who makes these rules? The brain would tell us “logic” and the brain lies to be comfortable, functional to what degree it knows. Do more than old restrictions, get your real life…
Read MoreThere is a special place for those who would call themselves Icarus. It is one of finding the real brink of existence and to have found mortal’s bounds. Such a land is very different from those who have tried and been beaten then gotten back up again to continue their tale…
Read MoreThe wise man said,”It is very hard to let go of hurt, defensiveness and weakness” when asked why he answered,”Because you are holding on so fucking tightly, you idiot.”…
Read MoreHow we talk creates how we think, relate to others, and grow. Going into a new situation with crap on your mind means crap conversation. Being prepared for a fun conversation on topics people you want to meet know means…
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