The theme of a madman is a feeling of chase. There is greatness around the corner and nobody believes in it. Hence why it is ripe to be plucked. All the while it will be shaky getting there and folks will give you a certain stare that dubs you mentally unsound or unsafe but that is where true brilliance lays. To catch your greatest goal, it’s going to seem a little out of hand on the ride there…
Read MoreOptions.
We always have options, good or bad. To know too many is to get lost in research and lose the now but to not look is running blind with scissors. Allowing ourselves to see, create, and pursue the best options imaginable is what creates the life we life. Giving up is the only alternative and a mindfuck, because we always have options…
Read MoreThink tricks like words and phrases

The way we talk and frame life create an image and tone to what comes next and how it the situation tastes. We have the freedom to add something new and different in our choice of direction. The words we use and titles we give our immediate moment anticipates the oncoming and we always create that anticipation. So make it something you want…
Read MoreOrganize and re-enthuse, soul-nectar super win sauce.

Simple two step process for when things get messy and life needs some order and some meaning…
Read MoreNarrative coherence in conversation and connecting to people

There is so much dismay in connecting by people because they want an end of a road without building the road first. If you desire to have a certain final product of a relationship with a person then you must give them the space to express and onboard for the building as well as present yourself as someone who can appreciate, understand, facilitate that building and who can also build…
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