Make good thoughts, then make some more. It is very simple and yet vast and grand when seen from the big picture. Only the world can be made up of millions of tiny thoughts and one can only deal with a single thought at a single moment…
Read MoreMake good thoughts, then make some more. It is very simple and yet vast and grand when seen from the big picture. Only the world can be made up of millions of tiny thoughts and one can only deal with a single thought at a single moment…
Read MoreIt’s simple, make more of what you like and put less energy into what you hate. Hating yourself bring more painful thoughts and ideas. Liking yourself is NOT an indulgence not ignorance of a problem but pushing the best direction…
Read MoreThere are many simple day to day tasks of irritation that get in our way and we beat them! We get that paper in on time, we make it to work on time, we figure a way to eat and sleep with a busy schedule, we finish a cool article before other stuff is due, we help a friend not get pissed… but then the real war of how we look at the world and what we allow into ours goes forgotten for them small victories…
Read MoreTo be the best one must rank others and have a drive to be better than others. This results in dismissing those who are better so one can feel superior and creates an isolated life from better and bigger things. It also diminishes the social relationships one can have by generalizing others into ranking instead of enjoying them…
Read MoreThe idea behind nagging, anger, dismays of all kinds is that there has been some letdown which inherently means there must be a let up. For one to be mad there must be another direction desired. So, instead of screaming or crying or obsessing on that which we hate, work towards the good desired.
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