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Highest Authority you give

Highest Authority you give

Giving up authority in one’s mind is a strange game of pride. To learn more, we must shut up and listen then think. Blindly following orders and looking for a guide is best way to find disgust and ease in one’s self. As soon as we give up our own authority, life becomes much easier. And we become fools or slaves…

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The propaganda lies of intimacy

The propaganda lies of intimacy

Everybody dies but not everybody really falls in love. We can kiss, screw, marry, procreate, have high levels of oxytocin and go on magnificent adventures but until we start to be ourselves in each waking moment, we cannot truly love someone. Because without really being ourselves, WE aren’t really in love. Standing out, alone complex and shimmering is freedom and that single absurdist decision to get stranded and walk real is where someone must see you to love you…

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Ask the questions, pose the mindset, create your universe

Ask the questions, pose the mindset, create your universe

What we ask ourselves is what creates our mental grounds for the coming situation. If we wonder how big a jerk someone is going to be or what is going to be like to meet someone amazing, we have entered totally different realities. Our brains generate chemicals based on that and our mind follows a train of thought in the direction we point it. We are in control of that…

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Knowing the freakout, avoiding the freakout.

Knowing the freakout, avoiding the freakout.

Humans have a pons, a reptilian brain, and a mammalian brain. We freakout because we have evolved to be safer when we do that and don’t like, die. But nowadays we don’t die so readily but we still freak out? Prepping and understanding that freakout is essential to being more than a beast of burden to everybody including ourselves…

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Clearing of a mindset

Clearing of a mindset

In order to have a clean take on the world, we must be able to let go of old issues and designations of the world. Yet, we so strongly stick to emotionally fueled beliefs of the world. To keep moving forward it is necessary to let go of old paradigms of shitty worlds. Otherwise we will be stick in such shitty worlds…

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