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Social freedom is of your mind

Social freedom is of your mind

A social group can feel confining. Its as if we our identity relies on the groups’ approval and moral grounds which lay outside of one’s own control. This is fallacy and all very easy to escape but one must examine why they are there and what a group is…

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Micromanaging one’s passions

Micromanaging one’s passions

we know what makes us passionate and at the same time it is naturally human to know what moods fuel what behavior as well as what behaviors fuel success. The hard part is putting these together outside of the doubts and then stomping on the doubts with the idea that simply,” I can and when I fail I will get up and can some fucking more.”…

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Blame yourself, and a redeem yourself must follow.

Blame yourself, and a redeem yourself must follow.

Humans freak out and its not meaningless or childish over emotionality. Its a sign that we want the opposite or definitely do not do that again. Whenever a person attacks themselves it needs to take what was destroyed and replace it with something great to fill the new hole they just carved in themselves….

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Talking instead of doing, what love?

Talking instead of doing, what love?

The reason to attempt a feat must come from within not from outside or from some lack one is trying to fill. The tipping of this jury happens when one enjoys the task at hand during it rather than talking about it or looking back and bragging for it is achieved. Within that is a clear answer to life’s mystery; enjoy the how not just the what a thing is or else you’re denying true desires of the self…

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You, in a vat of boiling oil

You, in a vat of boiling oil

Shitty experiences build character. A person is shaped into who they can best be, beaten down to all they really have past pretense, or their strong values harden and shine through. Without running into the wiliest of gunfights, most dramatic of relationships, and blasting off to the hottest of suns, one cannot truly know themselves. So see the hardships as that, a refining of your you. Its a choice and a litmus test of character…

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