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The lack of pride, a sickness.

The lack of pride, a sickness.

It is too easy to be pushed aside and forget that you want to be great. Its easy because there are so many huge plans in this world that want to step on people. Our dreams demeaned from blockbusters and memes but nothing can measure up in reality to having some pride.

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Don’t forget how big you are.

Don’t forget how big you are.

Those who have fallen to the tantrum spell after a small trip forget how big they are for the small downfall they suffered. It is not an end until one decides it an end. No slip up or stab wound puts an end to a person until that soul decides its over. And when one assumes the position that they are great… well then they’re going to be as long as they keep on getting up and walking that walk…

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A haunting

A haunting

The perceived need to be cool or great is a bigger weakness than not being cool or great. It deters from being real and castes a haze of pretense over actualities. Our fears can haunt us if we do not confront them and if we do not recognize them. So often we are not aware of our pretense because it has become so second nature. That is truly haunting…

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The greatest gift

The greatest gift

The phenomenological worth you give to yourself is the experience completely up to your decision using the imagination for how great you can be. There is no measurement only a feeling and this reverberates through all of one’s life.

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Center stage over methodical showcase

Center stage over methodical showcase

We fall into line because we are afraid of the scribbles. Those out of whack lines that make no sense and don’t look too nice. Someday those scribbles could be Van Gough though. And someday those lines could be bars we don’t even notice…

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