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Meaningful self-deprecation

Meaningful self-deprecation

Those who do not critique themselves are often seen by those who beat themselves up as good reason to continue their own beatings. But at what point does one stop and ask the bus driver where they are headed? There is a point but where and when do change the gears and question the map…

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What is guilt? and then why!

What is guilt? and then why!

People expect too much of themselves and so commonly beat themselves up when they are happy if they have guilt reaping their conscious and subconscious. There is no reason to be guilt if you don’t feel the crime is wrong but a dance itself all noble and mislabeled. But we must understand our guilt before it can be vanquished…

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Getting scared for decor but not destroyed by anything

Getting scared for decor but not destroyed by anything

The world isn’t trying to beat you, its trying to tenderize you. Because you are meat and it wants to make you tasty. People go through horrific or minimal pain and it can break you down or let you see new walks of life. What makes that difference to being dangerously cultured and strong to being broken and pitiful…

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Turn learning into your best format

Turn learning into your best format

Reading is really shitty for some people, listening to people is boring for others, and some people hate learning with their hands. But everyone has a way they feel comfortable and adept at understanding something. Everyone also has control about how they think about things…

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Emotional exhaustion

Emotional exhaustion

We find ourselves so tired because we look that way. No, not really, because our hearts lift, bro…

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