Believe in something you want to happen and stop believing in things you don’t want to happen. That red light you know is coming is a thought in your mind instead of the belief in a green light coming before its a big piece of metal in the street with diodes blinking…
Read MoreSeeing that fuse go tied to the bomb you are

There are clear times in a person’s life that they are aware of their mental and emotional predisposition being totally prepared for an illogical and vapidly righteous outburst, and then they go ahead and do it anyways. Being aware of yourself is the only way to do good to this world and if you’re about to light yourself on fire… well please don’t and lets go dancing instead?
Read MoreSome unwoven life not yet a lie

We exist as characters because our actions can be seen in some consistent way to form a pattern. But we are always free to create new patterns, ditch old ones, ruin good ones and rewrite or reenlist old ones. We can even pull from fabrics far from the current one we weave and string it into our lives…
Read MoreNever ever and infinitely unimaginably in love with your endless pain

The mind can create statements, halmarks to represent ideas which cannot exist. Forever, never, the best are all concepts that are more often physically impossible or easily proven wrong with different perspectives or circumstances. This could make you feel powerful or hold you back…
Read MoreRunning to, not from

When there is something to run to, a golden ticket, a lover’s grasp, the keys to a kingdom or a donut, whatever, the muck and bullshit along the way fails in comparison. So keep the goals clear and allow yourself to feel righteous for them so the chase will pull you through….
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