So we have identified our four important life areas. We can now break down the broad categories of the quadrants into individual lines of development. Individual-Exterior, body: Health & fitness…
Read MoreSo we have identified our four important life areas. We can now break down the broad categories of the quadrants into individual lines of development. Individual-Exterior, body: Health & fitness…
Read MoreEvery one of your goals interrelates with the others. For instance, your physical health gives you more energy to devote to your work and your relationship. A good, stable career contributes to…
Read MoreHonesty. Live your life by honesty, starting with honesty toward yourself. Do not fool yourself about how much you’ve worked out this week, or how much bad food you’ve eaten. Do not establish dishonesty in your relationships. Very slowly, tiny dishonesties build up…
Read MoreI’ve had many people resist a lot of my philosophy, saying that there’s no point in putting forward the effort to change one’s life. Indeed, the amount of effort required is enormous. Why work towards getting oneself fit, why work so hard to get out of debt, why bother putting in the work needed to heal a bad marriage? What’s the point? Without the motivation, our attempts…
Read MoreYou can find the time to do something on your goals in all four quadrants, every day. It might be no more than five minutes for some of them, but you can do something in each quadrant, every day. Every day…
Read MoreWe know that everything progresses developmentally. The progression of development can be broken down into identifiable stages, or levels. There are hundreds of developmental systems in the world, of course. Let’s see if we can apply some useful developmental models to our four quadrants…
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