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Shadow Work

Shadow Work

As we try to improve our lives, our actions will stir up negative emotions and energy and doubts that will try to tell us we’re not good enough, we don’t deserve to succeed, it’s too hard, it’s futile, it’s pointless, there’s no chance, etc. Those negative voices will come up, and it is critically important that we find a way to process them. Those are parts of our shadow, the parts of our psyche that will try…

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The Mastermind Group

The Mastermind Group

Find others who will help you in your path. One or more individuals who are as committed to a path of growth and development as you are. Regularly meet with them, online or in person, if possible, to go over your goals, both long- and short-term. The reason for this is to have…

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Role Models

Role Models

Find a role model for each area. Choose someone, famous or not, who can serve as a guiding star for you, in your efforts to improve in each of our areas of health, career, and relationships. Perhaps for the relationship area, you might choose a well-known relationship coach or…

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The Four Quadrants

The Four Quadrants

I’ve been talking about how health, career, and relationships are important areas to pay attention to in life. I’m going to give a useful model to visualize these areas. First, what is there in the universe? What do we know exists? How might we make a simple breakdown…

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Overcoming the Negative Voices

Overcoming the Negative Voices

As we work on improving our lives, we must be cautious about the negative voices that tell us we can’t do it. These voices can be external to us, coming from friends or family, or they could be internal voices, our internal doubts and fears plaguing us. These voices are insidious, and can sabotage our best efforts…

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Visualize Your Goals

Visualize Your Goals

Imagine the endpoint of your goals. Visualize it. Feel it, hear it, sense it with all your senses. Get it to the point where it is very real for you. If you want a good career, or degree, visualize it. If you want to be more fit, visualize yourself…

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