Our reality is defined by our thoughts and paradigms of the world. If one thinks about money all week with worries and visions, pervading themes that they won’t be as great as their heroes or as OUGHT to be then they have created a ground of defeat. Yet the grounds of victory are created with the same functions of thought, just different ammo.
Conversation and atmosphere is everything. Your words create the conversation and your attitude creates the atmosphere. And its never going to be direct. If you talk about how amusing scientific america is this month, ask your boss’s attention on their attitudes as to where to best invest if the market keeps its trend, show interest and relevant ideas on where what she/he says but still speaking in an amused and upbeat direction, you have created the grounds of success in your conversation and attitude. If you go on a date and you tell stories of adventurous, exciting things but stay realistic with your stories that it all seems finger tip sensationally possible and immediately available while the whole time engaging the other person and staying present with your attention and focus, you will have success. Making the atmosphere is no mystery and its going to happen, as it is currently happening now. By existing one creates an atmosphere, so why not create one where your aims and desires have the grounds to exist, flourish, rather than never be mentioned or touched.
It is easy to think about what you want. The more you get into what excites you, the more details you then have on how to create that thing’s grounds of no defeat. The same works if you know what you hate; just imagine the opposite of it. Then think about what would create the atmosphere for it to occur. You already know what you hate, love, desire, need. That is innate human nature, perhaps not on the tip of your tongue but directly realizable and constantly affecting your mood; constantly. Searching your feelings for what you hate and love is traceable in the most pertinent and powerful of emotions you have as well as EVERY action and thought you make because that is the theme of you. Once you get into that idea, ask questions of yourself to answer how to decorate that house, then the atmosphere and conversation is just laying the ground work and decorating.
You already fucking do this. Everyone creates the atmosphere and conversation they have around them so this is not manipulative or inorganic but taking responsibility for your actions and realizing the self you are then creating the one you want. You are a product of your environment which is shaped and understood through your perception of reality. The globe is the physical world, one thing. There are trillions of worlds in it, all fabricated through human minds. Clean that shit up.
The how to seems extremely difficult and ambiguous at first, yet is very fun to play with which makes it easy and precise quite quickly.
Where is this taking you? Every interaction has its limits and vectors. People are pretty consistent and predictable when you get right down to it. The notion that everything happens for a reason outside of your control is disgustingly irresponsible and the most abhorrent abomination of childishness. Drop that shit like its going to give your mother anal cancer. If you go into a job interview or to buy a car or on a date with someone, realize that is a big plan. You are setting sail for a long voyage that is pretty obvious as to where it has heading. Is this person going to be happy with you? Is this job where you want to be or put you in the right place in a year’s time? Is this car going to work in two years and make you happy and comfortable to go places? Look the voyage through and don’t be desperate on take off, be cognizant and planned.
How are your expectations determining your theme and contributing or restricting your goals? Are they unrealistic? Is the idea that they’re unrealistic affecting your determination and causing your passion to wane? Or is your doubt about them doing that? Create immediate expectations, ones that you come up with right before you do things; this helps clear the air of past bullshit and make your aims and actions precise.
How is your fear a gateway to your dreams? Well, it’s directly tied to your dreams because its what you don’t want more. For there to be darkness there must be light so there can be a lack of light or a surplus of light to create one or the other. Look at your fears and worries that way,”oh no, Im going to fail this test” affects you and makes your theme one of loss, worry, pessimism, and destruction. The opposite emotion of that is immediately available. Break down each way the bad feels and then just hypothesize, fantasize what the other direction would feel like. You are as limited as your thoughts and theme make you so make the thought which make that gorgeous girl available and interested, make that test Ace-able, make that job want you-able.
First off, do not think how to change or fix one’s reality. The past is connected to the future if we let it or make it be. While we may have accepted things in the past or of ourselves that can hold us back, the future is un-thefuck-written. We are creating reality, never fixing it. Create the conversation and fuel the theme you want.
What makes the mood you need? What kind of conversations, attitudes, jokes, references contribute to getting on the right path? These are easy questions to answer once you get into the idea of your goals, make your brain salivate the accoutrements then suite up. How would you pose if you were the person who was about to pull out that crazy cool sword, rip open the walls of reality and save the Princess from Emperor Nightmare? Body language talks and you’re always speaking it.
Extremely important, how is the other person going to need to feel for your goals to be appropriate and desired? Sad, hurt people do not do happy things. Attacked people go to bat and that can lead to excitement or conflict. Know the setting for what your friends, bosses, lover, enemies must do in order to succeed and then give them the questions and settings to feel that way. It is just one globe even if you can exist in many different worlds. Get your stories characters on the same page.
How would the person who succeeds and the grounds of no defeat be when challenged? The simple answer is they’d be resilient and powerfully confident in their stoicism and aim. But a more personal answer is needed. Run through the possible impairments and foes this ground may face so you are prepared, not caught off guard. To quote Han Solo, don’t get cocky kid.
Be patient and let people walk into success with you. This isn’t tricking or forcing anyone else to believe or do something. This process is making yourself best fit and so charmingly perfect for the role that the others decide,”Man, that looks like great free cake. Om nom nom nomnom”. Give them space and allow their realities, their themes to admire and play with yours while staying strong to your believes. Let your realities meet, don’t force them to clash. Remember, you are already doing all of this. Create the conversation and fuel the theme you want.