Love yourself. That doesn’t mean stop reading this to go masturbate but that you should enjoy and like who you are. People respond to the person you present by how you treat yourself. The actions you take reflect how you treat yourself. Consider a person you love very much, how would you treat them? Would you leave spilled ice cream on their seat and not clean it? Would you let them stay in a cycle of self-deprecation and emotional damage at work? No, you would take them to the mountains, get ice cream with them, play tennis or go snowboarding and get drunk with them on a train ride. You would be kind to them by putting them in a place to succeed and appreciate their individual quirks and tendencies, and you’d express it! So, do that to yourself before you start trying to change your ways… cause if you don’t love the person you’re trying to drive, you’re probably hurting them; you is a person.

Set goals, format goals, find heroes and get excited. One’s passion will always pull them forward through bullshit. If you’re mad, sad, scared but you want that buzz lightyear toy then you are gunna get through that line at ToysRus! Getting excited about the end goal is all drive stems from. Being able to see yourself achieving this thing you admire and purely want will give you persistence and passion past obstacles as long as you keep the goal in mind over the things hurting and holding you back. Only you know what is important and only get to decide that. Having heroes is the best thing a person can have as parents are our role models and parents are mostly idiots. Seriously, what makes a parent not an idiot but the grandiose divine untouchable pillar of pride we biologically and sociologically have come to defend? People are stupid in general, its part of being human to be full of yourself, self-deluding, actively ignorant, blindly defense to pleasure and seeming safety, and to not seek better but seek familiar. So get a hero, because currently people are built to look up to idiots. See what that hero does great and then use the science of drafting to repeat their steps and clever feats as fit to your life and goals.

Look at your friends and influences. This means where and who you are around, make them high ranking people in your mind. Not that your friends are bad, but that people who make companies and do astrophysics will have a much stronger drive than your homies who make jokes and get burgers at the beach. It is you making the stage set for your own best character to emerge. You must be surrounded by like-minded people who you want to be like.

Research is the biggest and strangest complication for people. This is because smart people are going to do well and dumb people aren’t… but dumb people learn to look more and work harder because they’re dumb where smart people miss a ton of things. This issue lays in the schema of assuming since you’re used to being good at everything, you assume you know the best things. But learning is a constant and NOBODY knows everything. One must scour critically and design methods to make their own movement dynamic and progressive. Take notes, remember writers names, put down topics you have an interest in for other subjects, cross references, be highly critical of literature so you don’t swallow crap but keep looking all the while; never get discouraged. Which brings me to the biggest point I have.

Believe in your own success. My parents always told me I could do anything and I believe it. This concept makes me extremely self-loathing and disappointing because I have been desensitized to anything too small but I do know for certain beyond measurable doubt or even fact, that I can do stuff. If one can’t see themselves succeeding then the drive is null and void. Parents, friends, Gods, daemons, dogs, artists and prostitutes can give you the idea that you can do it! But believing it is always up to you. Until you believe in your own success, you won’t get crapfuck. You can do it, believe it or get the fuck off and onto something you can do.

Examine and change the values you have to make you move. If you know the world is out to get you, that your parents, lovers, friends, teachers, close confidants are not on your side then your world sucks!!! Do you value courage? Do you value trust and friendship? Then seek it and keep that value in mind over resentment and treachery. Allow it to enter your life and seek it out. Having pride in what you do means believing your values are top notch. If the work you’re putting out is half-assed, then you probably don’t care about the values reinforcing your current journey or you’ve lost sight and care for a particular goal. Take pride in each step you take or don’t take it. This means for many people to first realize they’re going to have pride in their next step instead of waiting for that next step to arise then trying to react to it. When the apathy and contempt is strong, the only way to beat it is with planning. Imagine the greatest person you can, then take their values and go make steps with them in mind. Put pride into your life in each action you take.

More so on values is who you want to be and where do you want to end up? Back to heroes, what do they value?

Opportunity is what is at your hands, not work or difficulties. The new is a chance to do more, the hardship is a trial, are both sides of the same coin sold differently to wisemen without gold collections. Pay yourself forward in looking right before your motivation looks to leave.

Want success like breathing. Reject failure and mediocrity like thieves and vandals. See the process as success itself and enjoy each step. And own it!

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