Here is a fun exercise about transforming the current moment into the perfect moment. Imagine the perfect life with the perfect you. It does not include all candy and rainbows but includes work however you enjoy the work because you like yourself and you find a way to enjoy what you are doing. The world brings to you in all aspects of life but you always bring yourself. So the exercise goes imagine a cloud you are on. Imagine it around you and that it is that perfect life you want. You maintain it and the world challenges you, rewards you, pains you, and overall gives you a ride but the perfect life is in your head. It is around you should you make it. If you keep up that perception of your perfection than more things fitting of that perfect self and life will come your way. Put your heart into your words and actions or you rip apart your cloud. Be present in your cloud or it will pop. Control and be aware of what you let into your cloud and what thoughts you create in your cloud. Life is just a stage and we’re all acting the parts we play. So get on your cloud.

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