EVIL! Is all around us and only hurts us when we accept it to be right then allow it. It can be from parental attacks and insecurities, our own mistrust, relationship or jobs being demeaning or our own misperception of any of that stuff. To escape unscathed, one must acknowledge that it happened and redirect their emotions and frame of their story and their life.
Realize, admit, accept that you have been hurt. In the fact that you don’t want to feel this way is trace validation for truth of such.
Label the pain’s basis as broken. When you do a make problem incorrectly and it doesn’t add up, you understand you did it wrong and let it go. Allow that sort of space to damaging attacks, insults, accusations, depictions of you and the world to fall under that category. If anything lingers past, it will fester and hurt you. Denying this is the most dangerous of things because it cloud the evil and protects it.
Let go of the silly notion named treachery. There is no fucking thing except for tiny outliers. People in pain want company and will do anything to spin the story of life so that everyone is against them if they’re not on their side. It is a simple sociopathic tricks many people being sick use without realizing they’re doing it. You are not hurting anyone in your actions. Get third party opinions and be open to learning your own mistakes but do not take on the emotional reactions of others as your responsibility.
What are your goals? Where do you want to go and how do you want to go about it? Is this pain helping and is the way you’re behaving conducive to your next step while being supportive of yourself? You are more important than most bullshit going on around you. The strength and passion behind your goals can pull you through the stupid shit!
Give yourself the end product of beating it as a happenstance for mental clarity leaving it. Even if you don’t beat it, allow yourself the space to exist as though you did so that it does not linger and hold you back. Some shit isn’t beatable and isn’t your fucking problem, let it go. Don’t make it hold you back. Imagine the best possible scenario that a person could have done for you to make the next thing you do absolutely easy, fluid, natural, and productive, let that be the emotional wind you exit with. That is giving yourself the benefit of the doubt.
Reinvest the energy you feel being put towards freaking out into being productive. There is nothing good to paying into the fuck your life fund, put it to something good. Dismissing or dealing with these problems is fallacy until there is good to take the place of the bad. That is letting damage be a basis for a mental capacity. Give yourself something good to eat so you can give a good you to the world.