Occurrent thoughts are set in place understandings about the world around us. The sky is blue, there is air to breath, people like ice cream, dogs go woof, things we aren’t actively thinking but are known. Concurrent thoughts are what one is immediately thinking about ie I have to go to work at six and this chair feels comfy. Our occurrent thoughts are what shape the world we have and they can be changed. Affirmations are the practice of creating a new setting based in a good direction for that person. Everyone has their world defined already. That world can be reshaped and viewed differently but its not common practice to dynamically arrange one’s perspective for this purpose. This is silly.

What is bad world theory? People who watch too much TV begin to expect worse things than reality has to offer since what we see generates our expectations and television only shows sensationalized programming to gain the most views, not to be accurate or not terrifying. Bad world theory is a set of terrible expectations for the real world which creates a shitty outlook and one’s actions and mood correspond to that.

How does our social view of the world shape our own lives? Take a utopian society as a contrast where everyone loved you and wanted to help you. Why is this ridiculous? What if every single person generally wanted to be your friend and had something interesting going on and to say to you. The thing about people is they generalize a few archetype personalities which are intimate to them upon the rest of the world and expect those sorts of behaviors. This is hubris, this is human nature, this is limiting and stupid, this can be navigated to create a better life. Since every person is free, we can change our next step and have myriad options of values and actions available to every single situation at hand, the next step we take is predicated with how we are treated. Humans want to be seen in the best light and if one treats others like they’re great then the reaction will be pulled from their highest known actions. Treating each person with the freedom to be different and the circumstance of being great gives them respect to be themselves instead of a projected expectation and pushes them to be their best self which they would love to be seen as. We are constantly around people so our social view of the world affects everything we do. Ever been surrounded by assholes? Ever been around all your best friends? There is a clear difference in how you see the world and what options you put forward too.

Humans react and make rules for how the world works based on experience. The problem that can come from this is we don’t know everything so assuming our past will repeat itself makes errors in noticing things going on right in front of us. There is a concept called presentism which says there is not past except in our minds. There is only ever now. Thinking this way alleviates many pains and fears of the past and opens up a mind to comprehend new facets of the world actually at hand. While our views of the past may be accurate in some projections of the current they bring with them an emotional tone which needs to be recognized if one is to make a world they want to live in. Traumas are the most inaccurate of predicative assumptions on the world and the most powerful a tone setter. Being in the now and allowing yourself to believe that this is real and variant rather than controlled by past events, letting go of the past, is a powerful in emotional tone setter that allows one to have a fucking good day. Be here now.

In creating a good world, expectancy versus pursuit must be measured and understood. As we have expectation we have a bar to jump high enough or nothing at all. As we have pursuit, we have momentum. Setting a high bar does not have to clash with having a pursuit. Being stuck in the expectation does create a lack of emotional and mental space to be pursuant of said goal, it inherently ruins itself with too much focus; a balance is required to be functional. A person’s willingness to respond to cues is where these two ideas come into play with good world theory on a social level. Having expectations for people is easy and normal to fail as we can’t be sure when, how, where or if they’re going to meet them. Having pursuit of good people is bad english and a better way of allowing people to move towards one’s higher goals. People respond readily to cues for being better. Realizing we need to make these cues to allow the scene to start makes expectations reality instead of unspoken criteria. Giving people the space to be that better thing you want is key. Purely expecting folks to respond without their own space to express themselves in a desired or optimum way when no cue has been given is quite pure in stupidity. Don’t do that. Figure out what would get you to do the things and shift that cue to others with space and open eyes to respond and respect them.

What we believe is what we seek and what we find is what we’re looking for. The truth is humans assume they know exponentially more than we do when the two thousand things around us are narrowed down to only a dozen things of focus; humans aren’t anywhere as smart as we assume we are but we did evolve to feel more comfortable with generalizing things to make us think we’re smarter and safer. This leads to assuming bad things as an evolutionary habit because it does keep us more safe, the same as never having sex or hanging out with kids or going out past six or listening to rap music will keep one safer. It is stupid and stupid is easier to handle than reality. All the good things take some trust and work where as the bad things are not general rules but general rules made by scared people who can’t handle themselves in the real world and they will never achieve things of great worth because they blind and bound themselves.

People are only just people and things are only as big as we make them. Nobody is a super hero so the act of being intimidated or scared or dominant is using the imagination to shift your behavior around others with no regard or examination for reality. To invent a world full of asshole or angels is an option a person always has. The act of thinking so precipitates a mentality and behavior which fulfills its own predictions and the further a person puts their own determination forward, weighs down the faith in their idea against the winds of doubt and tides of wonder, the farther and more surely their ship will sail. People are simple.

What you really want and how it is not available to you is mainly due to the lack of pursuit, not luck or resources but believe and determination.
Believe in good things happening.

The thoughts we dwell on propel towards results similar. We get to pick what thoughts we think about. Simple strategizing for any and all activities sounds foreign only to people invested in resenting those who have done so and emotionally scattered about from the after math of doing the opposite. Giving people a chance isn’t the right way to put this. We blast forward if things go right… but there is always and only ever a move forward. It can be forward for poop or squirrels or anthropology or gold. Our next step is going to be made and it is always free. Picking our thoughts is both the minimum step and the essential biggest step.

Your world is what you make it because you get to chose what you accept to believe in and understand. Believing everyone’s a dumbass jerk makes a shitty world, and that is your fault because you then unfold an idea onto yourself. The world you look for and believe in is up to you, because the world is bigger than we will ever know so you get to pick the story you walk out.

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