There is a system in a human life of who is in charge. Each human is in charge of this but quickly gives it up. Only once one has allowed themselves to believe in a higher ranked being do they lose control of themselves by any means other than force. It happens quite regularly in social systems and is one of the greatest tricks of religion. If you are swept away into a system long enough, you will be in charge of it and at that point you can’t dismantle it because they’re all looking up to you and to call it crap is to be treacherous to all your friends. But you totally fucking can and should if its bullshit. Giving authority to another figure, concept, book, god, dood, figure, captain ANYTHING other than yourself is escaping responsibility by selling yourself. If a concept is to be allowed factual in one’s own mind, then that mind should be able to comprehend it readily enough that they have ownership of it.
It is habit to allow schools, the smartest kid, well founded journals to have authority over you with the interest and bullshit rouse of intellectual growth bestowed upon it. It is not necessary to drop your own worth in order to find greater worth and things. It is only pertinent to understand and existing that you hold yourself to the highest standard of perception and understanding lest you give up your own freedom. This is not to say don’t take advice or learn from smarter folks but to say to hold your own mind accountable instead of looking for the bigger person to know. In a world where everyone has tons of authority figures they bow down to and intellects they allow carte blanche upon their beliefs is a world where rule is easy because people have tossed aside their own power and worth yet still function using and exercising it, in the total disbelief that they are able. That is a very sad world.
Allowing yourself to learn and not be beaten down by being given information, seeing it as a gift instead of a reprimand or shot to your pride, is the key to growth and holding one’s self accountable. Nobody knows everything and people get to be stupid. Responsible people then move on and learn when they find their own pieces of stupid. This world is just kids pretending to be in charge and wearing clothes everyone has agreed make them important.