What is time when you ‘re stuck on one terrible concept? A version of reality holding you prisoner where you cannot succeed or a feeling so awful it overpowers your being and pervades you in ever. Sometimes people get stuck in a thought loop or on one thought. Its prime to say you can catch yourself but third person perspective is a wholesome mental wash of a bad brainwashing saying we are always self-aware; we’re not. The ways around it may seem easy but its extremely important to recognize that you are stuck.

To keep your mind in proper context and out of such prisons built on wonder and obsession, remember how big you are. All those thoughts you’ve ever had, are made and kept by your consciousness. That’s pretty cool and a great expanse of what you really are. All the emotions you have had are within you. So remember that those emotions flow with your thoughts and count as traps themselves in many a tale. The magnificent scope of your awareness includes all your failures, triumphs, loves, losses and beat downs. Thoughts create emotions and emotions create thoughts, know that flow so you can know where you’re going.

Its always a great compass to keep in mind the things you want. Because failure is the opposite of success, fear is an arrow to passion that just needs to be played with cognitively to work. Flip the anger, sadness and hate; look at what the complete opposite of the end result is and there you have your goal.

We get stuck in thoughts, thought loops, moods, and sometimes they suck which makes them feel not as fleeting as the chemical highs that they are but like a prison which is inescapable. Its simply not true and even simpler to get stuck inside of. Moods feel more complicated because they aren’t as tangible. Writing down,”i feel MAD” doesn’t express all the nuances to explain the intricacies of one’s bad mood’s expanse. But, it is still reliant on or as a single thought and there are so many others to chose from. The bigger pile is always a great way out.

We are free to jump thoughts. Moving from one idea to another is the absolute easiest motion a human being can make. It does not have to be fluid or dangerous nor does it have to be coherent. You can make a thought out of nothing, the limits only exist if you first make them up and then enforce them on yourself. Make something up, grab a new topic, man.

There is a magick trick where thoughts are made up of your input, focus and willing to exist. All of those ingredients is totally yours to control so you always change that shit. Any thought can be taken back to its roots of your own effort and will to make it real then made into ANY other thought. You are totally free in the realm of ideas until you stop yourself from being.

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