There are occasions when we hurt those we care about and regret these actions. Even if those are just parts of our walls which did not deserve holes in them, there is regret in our previous decision. Yet these actions repeat with some folks. Certain toons just keep on doing the same damage. That is mean, heartless, thoughtless, lazy and all else associated with a lack of planning for one’s self. It hurts you as a person too. So we must learn to watch and know when our fuse gets lit, not when the explosion is at the three count on its explosion.

There are many simple strategies to deal with your uncontrollable self. Simply shutting the fuck up and isolating yourself in the venue of damage you would do is strict but effective. Many people with mood disorders work great with this because their neurochemical situation is too great to deal with for them. An issue here as with many strategies is that its not universally understood so folks with come to “help” and bother the bomb till it blows. Creating a passive making phrase is a great idea. “Im just in a mood” isn’t a bad mold to mess with but it doesn’t get people away fast enough for you to cope nor does it clearly inform them of your issue so they can’t help. The straight direct”I need space” is a good clay to move with where as I prefer the looking angry and mopey; but my own strategy doesn’t work or else I would never have realized to figure this out. Watch the old head clips you have of when you lost yourself prior and look at what set you off, the previous tone you brought walking to the blow up, when the good or temperate mood was and how it changed.

Excuse yourself, for you owe first yourself and if you’re not being that person then everyone else is talking to the wrong fellow or madam. That freedom is always a right.

Identity, categorize, understand, define the explosions you have. Noting their characteristics creates an awareness of the symptoms coming to play. Destroy the threads unwinding from normal you into tied up and angry you. It is a slippery slope must its not bigger than you, it needs you to work. If its already happening and you feel no way, powerless to stop the beast then make it a note taking mission. Even that redirecting of your attention can be a fix and absolutely arm you for the future battles.

Do not attack yourself. This is the crux of a person who is nailed to their explosion. It is not your destiny, your only option, your self, there is always another option for the story goes on. Love yourself and tell that anger to go away. Yelling won’t help, just say it and be serene and powerful in those words. Then let yourself not blow up. Do something else, even if it means crying in a corner that is still a victory because its not the old explosion. Then design something new. Create a hero who can, write a story of otherwise, bend the world to fit a beast against your beast and burn its spirit into your heart and memory for the battle, now or later.

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