Creating greatness is a simple feat when you examine it in simple, smaller steps. Those always end up with making good thoughts that turn into great thoughts. These thoughts create a great reality that comes to fruition. Believing in these good thoughts, is a good thought in itself. Judging your own thoughts is a good first step to erasing shitty ideas and such but can lead to further judging thoughts instead of innovative and productive thoughts. Being critical and productive on your own thoughts is great. Creating growing standards and letting go of anger and the need to attack and pick at bad thoughts or qualities is the easiest way to dismiss bad thoughts. And be quickly done with that process so one can go on to making more great thoughts.
It is a system of belief that one can create greatness that scares many away. So stick to making good ones and keep progressing. Once surrounded in a mental space and reinforced castle of mental understanding, ability and confidence, greatness will naturally show up. Allow yourself time and space to make good thoughts. Be as immediate and present as you can, then keep being more of that! Being too far in the future or past is missing the now. And the now is the want of future or past, so it’s superfluous to exist in either other too even in contemplation.
Enjoy making good thoughts. Find a way to look at the world that makes you happy. Not delusional rationalization but pragmatic and productive bending one’s perceptions and plans around the current “is”. From such a place, greatness will flow. And only as such will greatness flow. Even if, by chance and strange oddity of circumstance, once does make some greatness after being in a pit of woe and misery then that mindset will persist even in the face of whatever good has manifested. So it may be a moment of good but it will soon be outnumbered and lost in the sadness to follow unless one creates good thoughts.
Our thoughts fluctuate with our emotions and create our reality. Both in the narrative of our own personal understanding and defining of our experiences and the cultivation and calling of new experiences.