Any kind of conversation requires at least two different people communicating. Break that down, two different perspectives expressing themselves so the other can understand. If one does not recognize the feelings, premises, state of mind and place the other person is coming from then there is not real communication occurring. The problem with confrontation is that it needs to occur in highly emotional situations so people do not recognize, respect, or articulate themselves or thoughts precisely to others.

Confront yourself first. Find the emotions fueling this need to battle and push them on yourself. Pick at em and look where they come from, how they feel and where they lead. People’s personal insecurities and needs are easy ways to make them confrontational, aimlessly and improperly righteous. See what the emotion’s fuel is and then turn the blast on yourself to see how you would respond. Then try and recognize what you know of who you are confronting.

We are not beasts of pattern before we are beasts of cause and effect in our individual moments. Measuring the bounty or damage doesn’t require shitting in your own bed but playing a theater with live emotions in the mind. If you know what you want to say without understanding the reaction it will have, then you’re full of shit; you don’t know what kind of a conversation you want to have but you want to talk at a person. Noting more on the pattern a person delivers is easy when you look at past confrontations and irritations. What have they been and are these reoccurring problems in you or are they real issues at hand of this person who needs to be confronted? That is a fork in the road not a sharp turn; if the issue is with you then relating that to the other is vital to you for the strength of has created such confrontational a state of being.

Who’s side are you on? Winning an argument is a fallacy unless you’re an asshole. To have a discussion is to look for proper answer to a question but to win an argument beats the other person and then why? If they are beat, then what good are they to you. If they are worth beating then why do you even want to… the point is not to find a side but realize you’re together or else it would not matter to battle like so. Depicting your words such that they understand this is vital. You, understanding their perception of things is a bigger deal on the whole scale and in the immediate working of speaking treachery and skippery.

Semantics can ruin a relationship, get you shot in the wrong places, lose you office and so many other miscreant offspring to a disguised saint. People judge each other’s words on 90% how they sound and look when they speak. So that tiny percent best be presented correctly. Know the words you are using as to no be ambiguous and understand that perspectives and premises you keep may not be uniform. Say it clearly and as if you were talking to someone totally new to your point of view. It is human cognitive bias to assume our point of view is not only universal but logical and juste. That’s wrong and will hurt you badly.

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