Smart people make stupid decisions every damn day. On this day, I shall explain one so the simplest and most overpowering forces of stupidity that smart people fall to. Being surrounded by crappy people will lead one to do crappy things and accept crappy actions in their walk of life. Humans do not reject their own group naturally because we have evolved to feel safe in that. So the answer is to do that. Scrutinize your own group and then put your own actions on that same grading curve.

Sadly, no matter how clever a person is, they exhibit extreme stupidity by continuing to place themselves in groups and climates of failure or even without a propensity for pushing them forward. We fall into the habits we see around us whether we want to believe so or not. To not do so is to be unaware of one’s environment and/or to not be human; we’re impressionable monkeys, don’t bullshit.

Staying with hurtful family members, friends, or romantic intrigues is active stupidity even though it takes place passively. Being around people who’s habits you don’t enjoy, admire, or are awful and deprecating is being actively stupid. The scarier thing is that people are repeating their crappy close homies without knowing that they are and while being aware that their intimate ones are in fact crappy. It’s unconscious decadence.

Change the scene, get around people you admire, move to places where you will be celebrated and educated instead of comfortable and complacent. Move forward and if you’re not then you’re probably hurting yourself and festering. Triple check yo shit!!!

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