You are. The world is a great big ball of entropy, apathy, and chaos. While much beauty exists in it, life not supposed to be a motherfucking thing. That is what salesmen have people believe so they can sell you crap you don’t need. Drenched in unwanted questions do the clouds riot in one’s head attempting to piece together the cognitive dissonance between happiness expectations and what real life brings. Depression is real. Loss is real. Hatred and bickering is real. Tragedy is real. And the incredible part is that we have been taught to see them all as crimes against ourselves, our god given rights, our natural instincts, and every thing else holy you can think of. Truth is that now is perfect because this what it needs to be as the past led up to it. Once we accept our own current and immediate perfection shall we be able to learn to love. Constant rejection and the need to reshape the world is fighting a planet. Like, literally that is what we as a culture do individually in our minds. The world just is and we can find or make or see it as we chose. The real secret and only way to decide and create happiness is to decide to be happy and create ideas or perspectives that make one happy. Enjoying that we are alive and that we have the freedom to experience such pain, such failure, such conflict of believes, and to go on to do more is overwhelmingly beautiful and ecstatic a truth. Accept the now we have and the freedom at our constant consciousness and fully grasp the beauty being pushed away as we try to pinch once tiny idea into an already beautiful and unimaginably fabulous universe.

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