Emotional outbreaks are not based in a lack of logic because they are consistent therefore they are biologically uniform to a species size degree. There must be some form of psychological biological perspective that exists from an evolutionarily beneficial stand point for it to exist. Figuring that out doesn’t fix the issue at hand just like saying Fox News is lying to everyone about the news. Finding the root and a solution to the problem does! So when an emotional outbreak comes a kicking, what does one do? And I mean this personally. How do you work with an emotion?
The term “energy” is associated with a lot of ambiguous and unintelligent bullshit so I won’t touch that word but imagine the vibe, the place of heart and mind when you are on a groove or in a rut. They are different and they physically feel different. In philosophy there is a field called phenomenology that exists to explain what something feels like and is the big leader in consciousness defining and understanding. We cannot tell you about something without comparing it to other things or using terms we have already agreed upon that you need the feeling of to understand is an issue it boils down to that is relevant here. There is a phenomenological likeness to being successful, being sexy, winning a game, driving a new car, feeling loved and everything else. So here is my pitch, treat that like your shadow. It walks after you, its always there to some degree, it reflects your actions. Now lets pretend for a second and for pragmatic exercise that your shadow is like Peter Pan’s and that it can escape and be sewn back on. So perhaps there are different shadows. Indubitably there are different types of shadows you have. So visualize those different moods with different shadows. Now lets have some stupid fun that will make bad shit great.
When a bad mood, event, shooting star or what have your story unfold onto your day spurs your emotions into something you hate or are afraid of, are doubtful, are unsure, are confused or are reoccurringly unsuccessful. Stare at it in memory and understand it the best you can without being current. Now find a state of being that could overcome the issue to spur it and visualize that shadow tied to you in that mood. Take the mind set of you when you are sexy and cocky because nothings going to go wrong and all the pants in the store will fit and be dashing. Take that vibe, energy, phenomenological likeness, weight, static or whatever words put the feeling right to denotation and visualize the shadow you have in that state as the reflection of you there. Then tie that to the emotional memory of the pain that comes up; see it as a solution to those problems and a way to cure those issues which create those emotions.
That’s my idea and I hope it helps. Ill try it and make some notes.