It’s overwhelming, there is no way out and oh Holy God damn is there no way to fix this awful feeling! These are the kinds of sentences that go through a mind when a person gets stuck in catastrophizing things, making bad things seem way bigger than real size and obsessing upon it emotionally. But for there to be darkness there must be light just as there must be an up to be a down.
Everything that makes a person angry exists on one side of a spectrum. One can decide to live the majority of their emotional lives on the negative side of that spectrum… but for it to be deemed negative that person must have deemed the other side positive. The anger and disgruntled displays one shows are because they expect otherwise. Those expectations are where we want to be but to be overdosed in that which we don’t want is a fearful and destructive barrage of self-deprecation that makes no sense on merit of the point behind those expectations.
Getting angry or sad is the mind’s natural reaction to redirect one towards what they do want. If we are unhappy with where we are then our efforts have brought us to the wrong side of that spectrum. Now to change our direction can be an uplifting experience even if it has no immediate products. It’s like heading to find buried treasure on an island but getting there as stowaways.
To find yourself angry or sad then panicked is unnecessary. Realize it is your mind sounding an alert of the wrong direction being driven. And the moment, any of those moments, which you change direction is the moment you start enjoying the journey in the correct route. Obsessing on the bad is silly because it only exists due to there being a spectrum on which there lays a good. So work towards that.