We live in a world categorized and obstructed by its own principles of form… the real world runs on passion. Forcing people to fit a script is beyond stupid but straight up evil when the prerequisite is sacrificing your own truth to get it. We are not meant to be anything but ourselves yet society is a rat race everyone is addicted to by herd behavior and mass advertising.

Be you or lie and wait to die. There is no happy medium, price tags can’t get as high as you’re meant to be on life. Some ideas speak strongly that if you work hard in the system then you will be wealthy and a good member of society. This is a lie. Examine who says it, what reinforces it, what it negates, and the benefits it offers. Money is not important, happiness is. Money is a necessary function of society for trade but its not the source of happiness. Money is a medium between two points. It is a trade, a frivolity, a dynamic of exchange. Money is never the goal just like an awesome dinner date isn’t the goal. The girl’s happiness is the point and when we live in a society stuck on one silly dynamic we lose sight of the real goal. Meaning and happiness. The people who say this goal is important are the people selling things, the people who institute all of this. The top of the system wants the system to continue because they are at the top… wow was that sentence silly and so is the world we’re running for them. The concepts that reinforce it are debt and fear of lack; whether it be that we become poor or sick or attacked by terrorists or be bad people, none of those things are likely or for the poor, actually that bad. Finding what actually makes one happy requires letting go of the bullshit society face fucks us full of. If you find that phrase offensive, start counting the amount of advertisements you see in a single day[hint, studies say its over 2000]. If a person called you that much, you’d get a restraining order or be madly in love with them. This system negates the pursuit and free time to find personal meaning.

One of the big problems with college is that people go in there thinking they need schooling. After its over, they don’t know where to go… this is absolutely backwards. Its like planning a wedding without meeting the bride yet. School, learning, should be in pursuit of a goal and happiness. The end product is not safety but meaning and happiness will follow that. One must find what they want to pursue then look for schooling of it, not learn some stuff and hope IT can tell them where to go. The machine works for you if you just learn how its working. And that is all society is. Don’t work for it, its a function of man not the other way around.

The world needs people who are themselves. Shaping a society scripted by liars, and that’s what we’re being when we make our personas pretend and in a way we don’t value but force, is making a ship set to sink. Treasure island can’t be found because the guy who should be steering is in the crows nest and the cook is loading the cannon… Now the counter to this is that people would simply be hedonistic is they just did what they want. That is mind control set out by the powers in control of the world from long long ago. If you can’t be happy unless you are working for a bigger power and your natural happiness is deemed vile then you are the best slave in the world. And that’s the values our country and most religions savor. If everyone was happy with who they were, the shitty work wouldn’t be shitty. Ever met a self-made millionaire chasing their dreams? Just about nothing bothers them. Shit shoveling is trivial because they’re actualized in themselves. We need to break out of these stupid systems made up on the idea that humans are naturally lacking so we can allow ourselves to be naturally as happy as we can be simply by existing.

Imagine, yourself being incredibly happy and wonderful. Give situational credentials of fantasy, whatever would make you feel like you have saved the world, made yourself, created the greatest thing ever. Imagine that and let that feeling envelope you… this is called ego stroking by a society paid for and controlled by powers running on people who worship lack and degrade their own desires. Pure want is a beautiful thing that our world has bullshitted people into believing it is a childish notion. Its the most natural thing around. That doesn’t mean everyone should eat candy, do drugs, fuck and steal all day. That would not actually make anyone happy… that is sickening and obsessive. Real happiness comes from a balances understanding and experiencing the world with the pursuit of meaning being fruitful. This great state of the mind where you allow yourself to feel great is the emotional and mental state which begets one creating greatness. Depressed, beaten, hurt people do not make great things. This natural state of greatness is being real and we have been brainwashed, bought into lies, and been tricked by an abusive and absent father figure that is our society. Continuing this is work, putting energy and effort into something we are afraid of. You don’t have to lie to yourself anymore. Truth is within everyone and it can’t be bought or found by a person who doesn’t love themselves.

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