As a human being it is a natural thing to get emotional and its part of being extremely joyous to get extremely sad. We have ups, downs, break shit, blow people’s minds, lose our keys, and vow,”NEVER AGAIN WILL I DO THE THING!!!” and then mentally it is christened bad. Similarly, in a psychological evolutionary perspective we have extreme stresses and our mind’s create anxiety so that one is physically driven to stay away from such stress because that stress does not help us get laid or fed. But in a world where the brain has further complex work to do and less lazy, paranoid hover-mother work to do, the mind need not get involved so subconsciously and one must find their own way to understand emotions and their usage.

Two example are sexuality and blissfulness. Many times a person can get in trouble when they are too sexual in certain situations and so a blockade is created on that emotion from going too strongly. Anxiety goes with sexuality. This can be from anywhere as making a stupid sex joke and getting a cold shoulder all the way to being violently raped. Any degree is bad and anxiety is now paired with it to protect that person from experiencing that pain again. Similarly with bliss, one can easily lose their head and do something stupid. Start spending too much money, get drunk and crash a car, forget to do their homework, start talking out their ass because they feel so damn jolly about one joke. Now, when this similar emotion arises, a person rejects it and becomes fearful. Both of this actions are good, if you can’t navigate basic mental cognitive thought and simple social situations. Fortunately, you have read this far and had the wherewithal, or accidental stumbling misfortunate depending how you sell it, to end up with my words in front of you. So more than likely you are able to cast aside that degree of worry.

How do we avoid this?

Simply put, we catch ourselves when we are overly emotional and we must question the validity of our fears by jumping head first into them. For just the two examples previously given, bliss and sex, further understanding and confidence from a deep and sustained definition is a must. Watch your thoughts, and judge your feelings rather than be governed by your thoughts without control over them and their trained flow nor have feelings be labeled and called bad without looking at the ingredients, cook time, and brand name. We are bigger than we let ourselves be when we turn off the subconscious and dive into our full potential.

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