Ask yourself the simple question,”How do you want to feel today” can seem manipulative and inorganic. The truth is that it’s actually responsible and self-actualizing, waiting is a great way to allow others to deal with a major piece of yourself that you’re simply not taking care of the same way as someone who doesn’t shower or who doesn’t have a job creates a burden for those around. It is also the largest deciding factor in how your day is going to go. If you are a person who is constantly mad then even if good things happen it’s highly likely you’ll find a way to be mad about something. The imagination and perception ability of a human being are nearly endless so any situation can be framed to fit any desired emotional theme for that day. If you decide you’re going to feel good then you can allow yourself to immediately do so using the simple feat of focusing on your emotions, memories, and letting yourself know you can create and control them. The next piece is how your day will unfold shall change marvelously in relevance to your decision.
The general concept is that everything a person does fits into a theme of how they frame their life. One person can have a wonderful day and another can have an awful day while the whole time they’re both on the same magical train to Hogwarts. It is attitude, emotional aptitude/goal, anticipation, framing, and expectation. To want something creates the inevitable motion towards it both consciously and subconsciously with behavior also being moved towards it and social repercussions of the same nature.
When you decide how you want to feel for the day it is not always immediate but an aim and drag. You can simply create that emotion and stick with it but the goal of anything one does is always the feeling that comes with success. You want something, you get it, you feel successful. To allow yourself to feel that success is cutting yourself short and ego-stroking. However to imagine what you will feel like in other tinges and mindsets then focusing on those circumstances will bring you towards succeeding in the specific goal. For example if you want to meet a charming lady or man then simply behave as somebody who is fit and ready to meet them. This emotional setting will be fit and ready to accept it as it come; be patient otherwise you’ll ruin the whole gag. Engaging how you want to feel is only applicable when discussing what the literal goal is. Having an emotion alone is fairly masturbatory and short-sighted.
When the end goal is already decided, that is more often in this case being accepted, as shit then the whole day is pretty much ruined for the emotional experience. If you have already accepted that the whole is out to get you and you are a victim then you have effectively immobilized the world. It is important to realize that repeating patterns of failure and dismay stem from attitude and emotional heading. Accept responsibility and gain control only then will you change them.
So, how do you want to feel today?